Wednesday, 18 June 2014

My Thoughts - P <a href="" title="Visit to discover Indian blogs"> <img src="" width="80" height="15" border="0" alt="Visit to discover Indian blogs" /></a> c.

* Don't underestimate your thoughts , they are true reflectors of your future visions.

* Don't respect self  ; if you cannot respect others.

* You can or may read my mind , but you cannot omitt my destiny.

* Kill your invaluable instincts for the betterment or preservance of other's.

* You can like me or hate me for no rhyme or reason but dont backbite or do bitching about me !! As it may not hurt me enough but will show your's real mirrored self..

* Speak with your head in sync with your heart , without showcasing any caste , creed or any else discriminations.

* I can suggest you with many alternatives but creating opportunities out of them is in your hands..

* Don't trust if you cannot entrust someone.

* Ditch me !! I will be more happy ; but dont Bitch about me as it hurts more !!

* Creativity at it's best when everything is at rest..
